New Book: Daily Walks With God Devotional: What I Learned Along The Way

Now available!

Just in time for Mother’s Day and summer reading. I have written my first Christian devotional. It’s been in the works for the last year. You can pre-order a copy before my launch date of May 15th. It was just published and I’m waiting myself to get my first copy in the mail. My labor of love is ready to be shared with my kingdom ladies. You can also get a copy on my website,, Amazon, Kindle, Barnes and Nobles.

It’s a book of 50 of my most popular blogs, these books will be printed on demand when you place your order, and we will have the printer send your paperback books directly to you. Once the book is ordered, it may take a couple of days for the printer to send me a tracking number for your book shipment. As soon as I receive the tracking number it will be sent to you.

His Love and Blessings,
